
Friday, August 15

Adventures in MFW ~ week 8

We strayed from the path a bit. I decided to read D'Aulaire's Benjamin Franklin instead of Exploring American History (which can be a bit dry sometimes.) The kids loved it!

I also love the D'Aulaire books!

They really enjoyed all of the sayings at the bottom of the pages.

In Science, we finished up Lesson 1 in Zoology I. They are loving it! They did the first two notebook pages and then decided that they'd rather do their narrations and drawings in Composition books. I guess they feel that they have too many binders.
(Like that could ever happen.)

I made the covers (PDF Download, if interested) 7" x 9" and printed them on sticker paper.
(Technically they're 8.5 x 11 labels.)

We're trying something a little different for Language Arts.
*B* and *C* are doing Primary Language Lessons. I am going to try to keep them together as long as possible. As soon as one of them needs to slow down, they will separate.

In addition to PLL is daily copywork. *C* copied the Matthew 7:15 Mon-Thu and on Friday wrote it from dictation. *B* copied a poem/prayer that had 4 stanzas. She copied 2 per day Mon & Tue. On Wed & Thu she copied Mt 7:15 and from dictation on Friday.

They both begged me to start using regular wide ruled paper. So midweek (I hate starting anything midweek!) we switched our copywork to regular notebook paper.

*B* on left and *C* on right
(Sorry it's blurry.)

Math is going great. *B* skipped from Singapore 1B to BJU 3. So, we're finding a few minor issues within chapters 1 & 2, but nothing major.
*C* is still working through the pretests in CLE.
*T* absolutely loves EM, but I'm going to have to stop and work a little more on his number recognition.


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful week. I love the folder covers-I would have loved those last year when I taught that in Co-op! We love the D'Aulaire books also. We did Beautiful Feet Early American history last year (I also did it for my oldest daughter 3 years ago) and a lot of the D'Aulaire books are included in that. I love good children's literature.

  2. Looks like a great week. We love Apologia too!


  3. Audrey: I just found out that Wonder Works in Pigeon Forge is free for homeschool families next Fri. Aug 22nd. You have to have proof that you homeschool-something from your umbrella school if you have one or your support group. It is usually $20 for adults and $10 per child so I wanted to give you some info on it!
    ~Have a blessed day.

  4. We love the D'Aulaire books, especially Franklin. Sounds like another wonderful week. Isn't it nice when most things are working for the kids?


Pleasant words are a honeycomb:
sweet to the taste and health to the body.
~ Proverbs 16:24